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Detail about pool
2000.0 ADA
0/1 Relays online
Pool Hash
Hash Matches

About pool

Metadata URL:
Name: PETRA stakepool
Ticker: PETRA
Description: PETRA represents what faith can do through a name. We are a pool of Christ-followers who were once addicts but are now free! PETRA's primary mission is to educate delegators and help the community. Our pool is committed to fair block rewards for all.

Pool stacks

Pool ID (bech32): pool13wd88txwe9xhgld7hf6v8kstppcexmqu6t4fhxwx5zktz0l5nxv
Active Epoch No: 306
Margin: 0%
Fixed Cost: 345.00 ADA
Pledge: 2000.0 ADA
Live Pledge: 2157.17 ADA
Reward Address: stake1ux85u4qwn9nylq569dz9dezfjea7c265x90snt0zh58wqpcpxy5yd
Live Saturation: 0.0
Block Forged: None
Live Stake: 2256.56 ADA
Active Stake: 2256.562616 ADA ⬆️
Delegators: 2

Meta Hash

Hash Matches

Declare Hash: 7805b28fdbdb6ef587ef7d65cf51bb8114e0a474978092f6bb76f02df2620fbf
Calculated Hash: 7805b28fdbdb6ef587ef7d65cf51bb8114e0a474978092f6bb76f02df2620fbf

Relay ping results

0/1 Relays online - Status: Not reachable, Avg Response: errorms