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Detail about pool
1100.0 ADA
1/1 Relays online
Pool Hash
Hash Matches

About pool

Metadata URL:
Name: Atomic Nodes #2
Ticker: AWP2
Description: Atomic Wallet is a decentralized non custodial app to manage, exchange and stake over 300 blockchains and tokens. We have over 5,000,000 users across various devices and support entire blockchain ecosystem since 2017

Pool stacks

Pool ID (bech32): pool14enw2643rn9nn6yzv60jyz3hj4kxs0jvap87lkgsqykh508jxm6
Active Epoch No: 410
Margin: 5.0%
Fixed Cost: 345.00 ADA
Pledge: 1100.0 ADA
Live Pledge: 45228.63 ADA
Reward Address: stake1uyzu2fe9a834cp354yn3sa3wmfdqc2laq6d0h0n0tycjseqj7ynlt
Live Saturation: 22.57
Block Forged: 6250
Live Stake: 16735048.18 ADA
Active Stake: 16904987.732106 ADA ⬇️
Delegators: 21286

Meta Hash

Hash Matches

Declare Hash: 6cd646cfecefa52c9eb0ab4b8f3d9e82aebda4112f36da912ed3f7193019e655
Calculated Hash: 6cd646cfecefa52c9eb0ab4b8f3d9e82aebda4112f36da912ed3f7193019e655

Relay ping results

1/1 Relays online - Status: Alive, Avg Response: 92.3ms