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Detail about pool
20000.0 ADA
1/1 Relays online
Pool Hash
Hash Matches

About pool

Metadata URL:
Name: Dream Cardano
Ticker: DRMZ
Description: A group of friends who believe in Cardano's core mission of decentralization and the power of this technology to help you build your dreams. Stake with us and Dream big!

Pool stacks

Pool ID (bech32): pool16utp8esfwwpwf4fzlvtulugtdj9mapt42gdwza962pk8q2f45yt
Active Epoch No: 428
Margin: 1.0%
Fixed Cost: 340.00 ADA
Pledge: 20000.0 ADA
Live Pledge: 21153.57 ADA
Reward Address: stake1uy3hkeg5ycng34h6348ldl92uy7pwm8557f2khd5m0kx46slmjjlq
Live Saturation: 0.2
Block Forged: 25
Live Stake: 151296.57 ADA
Active Stake: 152346.550475 ADA ⬇️
Delegators: 136

Meta Hash

Hash Matches

Declare Hash: 019d6970739a6d39733f66c0fe1dc1ebf51991e94bd067e044f016f8e0600378
Calculated Hash: 019d6970739a6d39733f66c0fe1dc1ebf51991e94bd067e044f016f8e0600378

Relay ping results

1/1 Relays online - Status: Alive, Avg Response: 119.74ms