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Detail about pool
1000.0 ADA
0/1 Relays online
Pool Hash
Hash Matches

About pool

Metadata URL:
Name: Stag Digital
Ticker: STAG
Description: Stag Digital flourishes, protects and perpetuates wealth. We are vigilant about being superior stewards of your ADA. We value high-performance security, reliability and returns.

Pool stacks

Pool ID (bech32): pool1ndu9fpv7prmp6r6k23lzx6fcpjlvh6upl3w8ghldys467u6vvrl
Active Epoch No: 216
Margin: 3.9%
Fixed Cost: 345.00 ADA
Pledge: 1000.0 ADA
Live Pledge: 1397.02 ADA
Reward Address: stake1ux6jwjtr5u49fukthazahuy80m7xch4wqklp7yzkj3ncetqqgasc2
Live Saturation: 0.0
Block Forged: None
Live Stake: 1405.33 ADA
Active Stake: 1405.326847 ADA ⬆️
Delegators: 4

Meta Hash

Hash Matches

Declare Hash: e4405326d98729fd284f964329ad845b7627e5a730c4da0bb6beb8dd49ce552f
Calculated Hash: e4405326d98729fd284f964329ad845b7627e5a730c4da0bb6beb8dd49ce552f

Relay ping results

0/1 Relays online - Status: Not reachable, Avg Response: timeoutms